Joe Biden has been labeled as Evil Biden by critics for his incoherence as a politician. Some point out that Biden is a Communist and lies frequently. Yet incoherence is not necessarily a sign of evil. In fact, it is one of his best qualities. It is a way of presenting himself to the American public that makes him likeable. Here are some of the reasons why he is considered the least evil candidate among his competitors.

Evil Biden

First, he is the lesser evil. While he isn’t quite as evil as President Trump, he has done far more damage to the country’s institutions than the Republican president has. His filibuster powers and his incoherence are the two main characteristics that make him likeable. He is certainly not a good choice for a president, but he is the lesser evil. This doesn’t mean that he is a good person.

Second, his support of pro-vaccine efforts is problematic. He has a history of battling President Obama’s pro-vaccine agenda. He isn’t a “good man” by any stretch, but he is definitely an Evil Biden. It is time for us to stop being fooled by such campaigns. And that’s why it is vital to stay informed. With this information, we can avoid being duped by Evil Biden and his friends.

Third, he would put an end to most trade wars and treat our allies with respect. He would also end the Trumpian policies that are damaging America’s image and the reputation of the United States. Finally, he would work to advance liberal ideals around the world and not erode liberal regimes. That’s the ultimate goal of an Evil Biden presidency, and it isn’t difficult to see why the Democratic Party is so opposed to him.

If you’re not sure whether to vote for Joe Biden in the Democratic presidential election, consider this: he has a long history of promoting mass incarceration and anti-government initiatives. Unlike Trump, he fought for free speech and is an anti-government activist. His history of anti-government activism is also a source of concern for many Americans. While the United States has a long history of racism and segregation, the Democratic Party has supported numerous programs that are harming millions of people.

On the other hand, Joe Biden’s agenda is not all bad. It’s the Democratic Party’s failure to support his policies is the main reason for its dissent. Regardless of his intentions, the election is an opportunity for progressive Democrats to make a positive difference in the country. And if the Democratic party can’t do that, then we’ll never see the same results. This is a major setback for the party, and a sign that Biden has no hope of winning.